Oyun Hakkında Onder if this latest Deer Hunter game will cause another debate over weather or not there should be animal hunting games like last Deer Hunter game did. PROCYON released a cloneDVD of this about 30 mins ago and then RELOADED pops up with the game and a working crack as usual /forum/Smileys/classic/wink.gif” alt=”Wink” border=”0″ /> enjoy! Gamers and hunting fans alike will venture to most of the world’s most prestigious hunting locations in pursuit of the most exotic and sought after big-game trophy animals. Virtual hunters can now enter different modes, such as stealth or adrenaline, or employ an array of master hunting strategies, including building stands and blinds, to track and shoot their targets. Deer Hunter Tournament provides numerous levels of gameplay, allowing hunters to embark on scouting missions designed to explore maps and equipment while studying animal habits. Hunters can also take part in hunting tutorials, compete in open hunting sessions and participate in either solo gameplay or the intense multi-player tournaments.